Wednesday, August 31, 2011

11th Street

Last night 11th Street was going off. I only got three monsters before the sunset but they were worth 10 normal sessions.

Antarctic Swell

Looks pretty solid. 3-4ft+ out of the SSW and building fast. Periods up to 22 seconds, consistent.

When I pull up to the parking lot after work, I fully expect to see good waves like the waves on July 24, 2009.

Please deliver, mother nature.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Sitting on your board watching the sunset is an experience unlike any other. It never gets old.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Old Surfing Posts

The people who read my main website are friends and family who don't surf, so blogging about surfing over there doesn't really make sense. That's the reason that I created this blog.

I used to blog about it though. The old posts can be found at the surf tag on if you are interested.